久留米ベテルキリスト教会 Kurume Bethel Christ Church
〒830-0052 福岡県久留米市上津町2192-172
2192-172 Kamitsu-machi Kurume-shi Fukuoka Japan 830-0052
電話/Phone: 0942-21-8638
メール/E-Mail: bethelrainbow7@gmail.com
【Parking Place information】
There is a large parking place on the northeast side of the church, please follow the red arrow in the photo below. There is no charge for use.
If you are going to the parking place from the front of the church, please follow the yellow arrow in the photo below to make a detour.
西鉄バス 西鉄久留米発-八女営業所行「30番」「31番」「32番」に乗る。
【Access by public transportation from Fukuoka area】
Get off at Nishitetsu Kurume station.
At the Nishitestu bus station, get on a Nishitetsu bus which is bound for Yame-Eigyosho, number 30, 31 or 32.
Get off at “Nozoe”.
Walk east of traffic signal “Nozoe” (Walk the street between Mitsubishi Motors and Tomoda Liquor store).
Go under the overpass, turn left and go up the slope. The church building will be on the right.
バス停 「野添(のぞえ)」で下車。
高速道路の高架をくぐってすぐ左折し、坂を上ると右手に教会があります 。
【Access by public transportation】
Get on Nishitetsu bus (Any bus will do).
Get off at “Nozoe”.
Walk east of traffic signal “Nozoe” (Walk the street between Mitsubishi Motors and Tomoda Liquor store).
Go under the overpass, turn left and go up the slope. The church building will be on the right.
「野添(のぞえ)」の信号を東へ (三菱自動車さんと友田酒店さんの間の道を進む)。
高速道路の高架をくぐってすぐ左折し、 坂を上ると右手に教会があります 。
【Access by car from Fukuoka area】
Go down the national route 3.
Walk east of traffic signal “Nozoe” (Walk the street between Mitsubishi Motors and Tomoda Liquor store).
Go under the overpass, turn left and go up the slope. The church building will be on the right.
★For instructions on how to enter the parking place, please refer to the [Parking Place Information] listed at the top of this page.
国道3号線を上り、 「野添(のぞえ)」の信号を東へ(三菱自動車さんと友田酒店さんの間の道を進む)。
高速道路の高架をくぐってすぐ左折し、坂を上ると右手に教会があります 。
【Access by car from Yame area】
Go up the national route 3 and turn east of traffic signal “Nozoe” (go straight down the street between Mitsubishi Motors and Tomoda liquor store).
Go under the overpass, turn left and go up the slope. The church building will be on the right.
★For instructions on how to enter the parking place, please refer to the [Parking Place Information] listed at the top of this page.